Updated Review
Published: June 10, 2024
Since our last review, we found a meta-analysis summarizing several small, flawed trials of vitamin D supplementation in people with ALS https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32849187/. Unfortunately, most of these trials showed no benefits. We therefore change our TOE Trials Grade from D to F.”
Key Information
Click on any letter grade below for more info:
Mechanism Grade: C
Preclinical Trials Grade: C
Cases Grade: F
Trials Grade: F
Risks Grade: B
Published: Apr 2014
At this time, there is evidence that PALS, like those with other chronic illnesses, are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. It is, therefore, reasonable to screen PALS for this. If vitamin D deficiency is found, it seems reasonable to supplement vitamin D according to established guidelines (31) in order to avoid medical complications of vitamin D deficiency. It is not yet clear, however, that vitamin D supplementation can slow disease progression, improve muscle strength, or reduce falls in PALS. We support further studies to answer these questions.