Updated Review
Published: March 25, 2024
As of March 2024, we have found no new information warranting any grade changes. Our conclusion is unchanged.
Updated Review
Published: September 6, 2021
Since our review, we found no new information on this treatment. Our TOE Grades remain unchanged.
Key Information
Click on any letter grade below for more info:
Mechanism Grade: C
Preclinical Trials Grade: U
Cases Grade: U
Trials Grade: U
Risks Grade: U
Published: Jun 2010
In summary, ALSUntangled strongly recommends that patients with ALS avoid the Stowe/Morales ALS Protocol. The rationale for this exorbitantly expensive protocol is unsound. The specific treatments being used range from mysterious, to already disproven, to potentially harmful. No valid outcome measures are being followed and the discussion of safety and efficacy taking place between sellers and potential patients considering this is impossibly optimistic.