Key Information
Propofol has mechanisms of action that may be relevant in treating ALS, although the short action of the drug makes it unlikely that a single infusion could influence ALS pathophysiology in a meaningful way. On, six patients with ALS reported wide-ranging subjective benefits coincident with propofol use. Unfortunately, none of these benefits has been verified on validated ALS outcome measures. Only one of 235 patients with confirmed ALS who received propofol for PEG at an ALS center, or in the PRO-ACT database, or in a stem cell trial, improved objectively. The improvements in this patient were much slower to begin, and longer in duration, compared to those reported by the cohort on, suggesting that they were more likely due to other longer-acting medications the patient received (such as immunosuppression), the stem cell treatment, or an unusual reversible form of ALS (27–30). While we cannot conclusively rule out a very brief benefit from propofol in rare patients with ALS, the risks and costs involved do not appear to justify its use. We strongly discourage the off label use of propofol in ALS patients at this time. Patients with ALS who are going to have propofol on label for a procedure or surgery may wish to have their ALS neurologist measure an ALSFRS-R and FVC before and in the first few days after propofol exposure and to send these results to ALSUntangled for a possible follow-up review.